Calagenda offers you the possibility of entering all your diary, your birthdays, holidays to wish, and includes an integrated activity follow-up. All this personal data is kept on your workstation, tablet or phone, thus ensuring the protection of your privacy. An effective search system will allow you on the one hand to find an appointment, an invitation, a birthday, on the other hand to display and print an ordered list, partial or complete, of your diary.
The search is accessible either with the menu (Direct access, Agenda, Search ), or from the Info tab of a calendar.
- To view all your calendar entries, birthdays, names to wish, check that the 'All' option is checked, opposite 'Period' and 'Data', that the 'Filter' field is empty, and click directly on Search .
- You can of course restrict the search by specifying one or more keywords (Filter).
- Enter for example 'Dentist', 'Doctor', or 'Hairdresser' if it is an appointment, or 'Pierre' to find Pierre's birthday.
- The tool understands 'or' and 'and', for example:
- John and Paul: to find the meetings for which John and Paul were both present.
- Jean or Paul: to find the appointments given to Jean on the one hand, and to Paul on the other.
- Note that in the above two cases, appointments with Jean-Paul will not be displayed, unless you uncheck 'Whole word'.
- You can enter in the filter a date, a month in clear or a year, or even several.
For example if you enter: 'January or June or November 2015', the result will only include the months of January 2015, June 215 and November 2015.
If you enter 'January 1, 2015', the result will display the calendar on January 1 2015, whereas if you enter 'January 1', and you do not select a period, the result will also include birthdays and holidays to wish on January 1st.
- By default the search is done on a whole word. If you uncheck 'Whole word', the result may be longer, for example, the keyword 'customer' will display calendar entries that include 'customer' or 'customers'.
- Note that you can perform an exact or approximate search:
- If you opt for an exact search, the search will take into account upper/lower case letters, and accents on vowels ('Pierre' will not be equivalent to 'pierre').
- In the case of the approximate search (by default) the search will not take into account upper/lower case letters, accents on vowels, and the cedilla ('Pierre' will be equivalent to 'pierre', 'fete' to 'fete ', 'joel' to 'joel', etc.) - Click "Search" to start the search. The result will be displayed very quickly, your data being stored locally. If the result is not satisfactory, click on "New search" to choose other criteria.
- The 'Count' and 'Display' checkboxes allow either to carry out only a count, or only a display of the detail, or both.
- To restrict the search either to birthdays , or to desired holidays , specific holidays displayed in the calendar, or to periodic notes and reports , click on Select in 'Data' then choose the field or fields to display.
- To select one or more activities , click on Select in 'Activity tracking', then tick the desired lines.
- If the search concerns your diary entries, your activities, or your periodic notes, you can restrict this search to a period of one or more months.
If a period is chosen, only the calendar entries whose date is included in the period will be taken into account, and only the periodic reports whose start date and end date are included in the period will be taken into account, including any weekly reports.
Selecting a period will exclude birthdays and holidays to wish or display from the result. - By default, the result will be displayed in ascending chronological order (the oldest dates first), in Arial 16, with the day of the week on 3 characters, and with the month in plain text and the year. Click on the column header of the list (keyword 'Date') to reverse the sorting (most recent dates first).
Click on 'Customize' to modify the layout, and choose a specific font, character size, margin, border with or without rounding, and possibly a title. Choose the format for the day of the week, month and year. You can then print the list, or export it to another tool (spreadsheet, word processor) via a selection with the mouse followed by a copy paste - The "New search" button allows you to reset the list, for a new search.
- If you often use the same search criteria, click on "Save my preferences" to memorize your choices and find them even after reopening your browser.
The 'Cancel my preferences' button will then allow you to return to the initial state.
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