It is possible to easily and precisely manage a daily schedule by creating one or more 'schedule' type activities, and to display this schedule in all calendars, with any conflicts. This new feature will be useful for managing appointments for liberal and craft professions, childminders , home help, etc., with an invoicing preparation option. This online software includes an easy-to-implement export/import function, planning will also be useful for collaborative work, for example to transmit a task plan to colleagues.

All personal calendar and activity tracking data is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone, thus preserving your private and professional life. A backup tool ensures the security of the data entered.
- Define planning type activities, with default display and pricing settings.
- Plan, day by day or over a period of several days, your activities or the activities of a team, and enter any specific pricing elements.
- View the schedule in detail with the weekly and monthly calendars, and in summary with the quarterly, half-yearly and annual calendars.
- Display a weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annual summary report, with the elements that will allow invoicing to be established over the period. The most demanding can use the sliding calendar function to obtain a specific total, for example over several years, or for a period straddling 2 years.
Define planning type activities
- By default, the following activities are offered :
- Work : allows you to precisely define your work periods, day after day, for precise accounting of working hours at the end of the week, month, quarter or year.
- Appointments : to avoid planning two different appointments at the same time! These will be appointments made either at work or outside of working hours.
- The day starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 7 p.m.
- Conflict management is defined 'Activity by activity', i.e. it is possible to plan a 'Work' type activity at the same time as an 'Appointment' type activity, but it is impossible to plan two 'Work' type activities at the same time, or two appointments at the same time.
This operation can be modified via the 'Conflict management' drop-down list.
- For example, activities can be added for :
- The working hours of Mr. and Mrs. (so two activities), the appointments of Mr. and Mrs.
- The working hours and/or appointments of the different members of a work team (one or two activities per person).
- Appointments for liberal professions, with indication of the default amount of the intervention package, this amount can be corrected when making the appointment.
- Childcare hours, in the context of alternating or shared custody, if the parents are divorced or separated (one activity per parent).
- Childcare hours, in the case of a childminder (one activity per child). In this case, the 'day' package and the hourly cost will be provided for pricing. An 'intervention' package will possibly be entered, for example for travel costs. The childminder can correct these amounts more or less each time they plan, to take exceptional expenses into account. Conflict management will be positioned on 'Activity by activity', due to the fact that several children can be looked after at the same time.
- Planning for home help: define one activity per person helped (or rather per home), and position conflict management on 'Global', due to the fact that you cannot help in two different homes during the same period of time.
- Details of the time spent on each of the main activities in the company, for human resources management, as part of an audit before reorganization of work, or as part of monitoring working time before or after the implementation of a new distribution of tasks.
- etc. ( Add an activity )
- For each activity, define :
- The activity type, which must equal Planning (for other types, see activity tracking ).
- The length of the working day, to allow totalization in days, hours and minutes.
- The display to be used in calendars, if display of the schedule is not requested (Same as calendar, color of the box , border , appearance of the box). For example, choose light box colors and dark edging colors, to clearly see them in each box. If you use an icon, you can, for each calendar template, choose an icon size and positioning in the box, via the 'Calendar template' drop-down list located above the list of activities.
- The type of counting to be done for the display of a possible summary statement in the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual calendars.
- The color or appearance of the box for displaying this schedule in calendars.
- The type of entry: the entry can be done either with a start date and an end date, mainly for activities lasting more than one hour (for example childcare), or with a start date and an end date. duration, for activities lasting less than an hour, in which case the default duration will optimize entry time.
- Optionally, for the possible preparation of invoicing:
* The 'day' package, which will only be counted once per day, for a given activity.
* The 'intervention' package, for example the price of the consultation or travel costs.
* The hourly cost, for example for a childcare center.
* Unit: choose '€' for a display with two decimal places in the totals.
It is possible to enter both the intervention package and the hourly cost, for example to bill meals and childcare.
This billing information may give rise to correction when the event is entered, to bill for an exceptional service or to apply an increase or reduction.
In the event of a change in pricing for an activity:- The new pricing will apply to new schedules.
- The old pricing will be kept for activities already planned, with the possibility of applying the new rate:
- For a given day ('Apply the new rate' option).
- For a period of several consecutive days (see below: Updating a rate).
- After each modification of the list of activities, click on 'Save' to validate your modifications.
Plan each day, and make a possible adjustment at the end of the month.
Recording of activity monitoring can be done day by day (daily monitoring), or at the month level (monthly monitoring): for example, you can record time spent on a project in hours, for each day, or in days , for each month.
- Display the calendar corresponding to the desired day or period.
- To record on a specific day, in the calendar (daily monitoring) , simply click on the corresponding day:
- In the dialog box that appears, choose 'Monitoring / Planning' from the drop-down list.
- To add a schedule : choose a schedule type activity (by default 'Work' or 'Appointment'). Planning type activities are displayed in green in the activity choice list. Enter the start time, and the duration or end time. Entering an object or a name, optional, will also be useful if you enter an amount in 'Time/nb/mt', in order to invoice an amount different from that defined by default in the list of activities. This amount must then be preceded by one of the signs '+', '-' or '='.
- A '+' will indicate that the following amount will be added to the default calculation, for example to bill an additional service.
- A '-' will indicate that the following amount will be deducted from the default calculation, for example to apply a discount.
- The '=' sign will indicate that the amount entered will be replaced by the default calculation. (for example, entering '=0' will indicate that the service will not be invoiced).
Validate with the Save button . Several input checks will be carried out, for example:- The start time of the activity cannot be earlier than the start time of the day.
- The end time of activity cannot be less than the end of day time.
- If conflict management is set to 'Global', it will be impossible to schedule two events in the same time range.
- If conflict management is set to 'Activity by activity', it will be impossible to schedule two activities with the same name in the same time range.
- Tip : to force the recording of a schedule type activity, either outside the hours of the day or in conflict with another activity, set the same start and end times for the activity, or do not enter start time.
- To delete a schedule , click on the trash can (
) at the end of the line of the activity to delete. You can delete several activities, before validating with the Save button .
- To modify one or more schedules , optionally modify the start time, end time, billing, subject or name. Validate your changes by clicking Save.
- If you want to make several modifications in the same month, for several dates, you can move the dialog box with the mouse by clicking on its title. The box will then be docked. To make the box floating again, click on the red cross.
- Note that you can move calendars by clicking on the hand (
), to make typing easier.
- In the dialog box that appears, choose 'Monitoring / Planning' from the drop-down list.
- Automatic planning of repetitive activities, daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly...
- In the menu at the top left, choose: Calendar > Activity Tracking > Automatic Scheduling.
- Quickly plan your repetitive activities, over a set of days or weeks: it is thus possible to plan an activity every day, every Monday, Tuesday, ... every two weeks, every three weeks, every four weeks, or even monthly, for example every first Monday of the month, every second Tuesday of the month, etc.
- Updating a price
In the event of a change in the price of an activity, the new price will apply to new schedules.
To apply a new rate to old daily schedules:- In the menu at the top left, choose ' Calendar ', and click on ' Automatic Scheduling '.
- Define the period concerned by choosing a start date and an end date.
- Select the schedule type 'Every day'.
- Select the activity for which you want to update pricing.
- Choose the update type 'Apply new price'.
- Click 'Update Pricing'.
- The updated pricing list will be displayed.
- For an overall record, for a given month, in a periodic report (monthly monitoring) , click at the bottom of the calendar, on the logo
or on the text " Custom Calendars:" . :
- In the dialog box that appears, choose 'Monitoring / Planning' from the drop-down list.
- The procedure is then identical to entering for a specific day, but there is no conflict check.
- In the event of a rate change, to apply a new rate to an old recording, display the dialog box and click on 'Apply new rate'.
- To note :
- The pictogram
indicates that one or more follow-ups have already been entered on this day or month, while the pictogram
indicates that no follow-up has yet been recorded.
- Clicking on the icon
allows you to return to entering the agenda or periodic report.
- The pictogram
View activity tracking details in the calendar:
- For calendars: in the 'Data' tab located above each calendar template, choose the option that suits you in the first drop-down list opposite 'Activity tracking' :
- 'All activities' to obtain a restitution in accordance with the choices made in the list of activities.
- 'Do not display' to not display activity tracking information.
- Tip: Choose one or more activities to restrict the display. This choice can be wise if you want to zoom in on an activity, for example in the case of a meeting, to gradually show a situation to the participants (sales, purchases, customers, prospects, etc.) . On a PC, use the Ctrl key on the keyboard to select or deselect an activity. Note that for the activity to be displayed, the default display, in the list of activities, must also be set to a value other than 'Do not display'.
- Display in schedule form:
- Still in the 'Data' tab, choose the display mode in the 'Scheduling' drop-down list:
- The global type display will present all the activities on the same line, while a display by activity will present the activities next to each other.
- The option with text will display, space permitting, any text entered in the object.
- Several options allow you to present the schedule according to each person’s specific needs.
- Planing height: choose the 'Auto' value, or choose a value based on the size available in the box of the day.
- Opt for a vertical or horizontal presentation of the schedules.
- If you have chosen the type of display by activities, you can, in each box, display the name of each activity in clear text, specifying a length for the header.
For a presentation in alphabetical order, sort the activities by label . - If necessary, modify the color and size of the schedule and activities grid.
- For better readability of timetables, check 'Grid'.
To modify the time range of the day: Schedule management
- Still in the 'Data' tab, choose the display mode in the 'Scheduling' drop-down list:
- These choices will be kept once and for all, for each calendar model, if you save your customization via the tab
- Several example calendars are available in the Planning category .
Show summary status in calendar
The summary status of activity monitoring is displayed if in the 'Data' tab, the second drop-down list opposite 'Activity monitoring' is positioned on 'With summary'. The summary is displayed in the same space as that of the periodic notes and reports, at the bottom of the calendar, below the logo and the text "Custom calendar:". Operational for all calendar models , it therefore allows you to obtain a total per week, per month, per quarter, per semester or per year. With sliding calendars it will, for example, display a summary over several years, over several consecutive months, or over a period straddling 2 years.
In the weekly calendar, the summary report will only count the daily monitoring.
Tip: You can define the first day of the week, which by default is Monday, in the weekly calendar and table calendars ('Boxes' tab, 'First day of the week'). Consequently, a weekly total can be carried out from Monday to Sunday, Saturday to Friday, Sunday to Saturday, etc. Week number 1 will always be the one that contains the first Thursday of the year (ISO 8601 standard).
In all other calendars (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annual, rolling calendars), the summary will take into account daily and monthly monitoring.
The summary table will include the following columns for each activity:
- The wording of the activity.
- Time/nb/mt: for planning type activities, it is the total hours and minutes (reduced to days, hours and minutes if a length of day has been mentioned for the activity).
- The number of lines: if 2 activities with the same name exist for the same day, 2 lines are counted.
- Average: total activity / number of lines, to know the average time of a schedule.
- The left columns give the total pricing information for each schedule type activity. The number of columns and labels depend on the options chosen in planning management .
The table can be selected by dragging/moving the mouse, then copied/pasted into an office spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc), a word processor (Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer), or email software.
Please note: The summary report will not be displayed for activities for which Counting is unchecked, in the list of activities .
Find an activity tracking item, or the dates corresponding to an activity:
- In the menu at the top left, choose 'Direct access', 'Search, or click on this link: Search
- You can restrict the search to a given period, by choosing a month, a year and a duration.
- Next to 'Data, choose 'Select', and uncheck 'Agenda' and 'Periodic Reports'
- Next to 'Activity Tracking', choose 'Select'.
- From the list of activities, choose the one(s) that concern you.
- If you do not specify a filter, all selected activities corresponding to the period will be displayed, as well as the corresponding summary report. The ''Count'' and ''Show'' boxes allow you to restore either the detailed list, the summary report, or both.
- Optionally enter a filter to search by keyword, for example to find 'meal' services, if the word 'meal' was entered in the subject at the time of planning.
- You can do an exact or approximate search:
- If you opt for an exact search, the search will take into account upper/lower case letters, and accents on vowels ('éva' will not be equivalent to 'eva' or 'Eva') .
- In the case of the approximate search (by default) the search will not take into account upper/lower case letters, accents on vowels, and the cedilla ('Eva' will be equivalent to 'éva' or 'eva') - Click Search to get the answers to your query. The “New search” button at the end of the list allows you to refine your search.
- It is therefore very quick to show, for example during a meeting, a partial or complete, synthetic or detailed situation (sales, purchases, customers, prospects, etc.).
- The customization of the layout (specific title, width and border of the page, font and character size, format of the day of the week, month and year, etc.) is particularly suitable for those who wish to print the result, publish it on the Internet, send it by email, for example via a PDF file. Activity monitoring can thus be used by municipalities and associations to create a holiday calendar, a calendar of sporting or cultural activities, or by childminders to validate childcare days with parents. The list of possible uses could only be defined by the users themselves!
To back up your activity tracking data.
- All your personal data is stored in real time on your computer, tablet or smartphone. This method preserves your privacy.
- In return, you must perform a security backup periodically, for example every month. The procedure is very simple: choose 'Direct access', 'Agenda', 'Export'... You can save the resulting file on your hard drive, on a USB key, or in the cloud.
See the backup/export documentation for more information. - Export, very simple to implement, will also be useful if you want to view your calendar on several computers, on your tablet, or your smartphone. The export form allows for example a partial export, over a given period, or even the export of a single activity, for possible exchange with your colleagues.
You have an export function in csv or xml format, for import into a spreadsheet (Excel, Calc, etc.) or other software.
See as well :
- List of activities
- Research
- Agenda (making appointments, invitations, meetings, events, etc.)
- Periodic notes and reports
- Print a calendar or create a PDF
- Disconnected mode