- You can choose one of the fonts below:
- Two types of fonts are available for displaying and printing the calendar:
- Fonts present on your computer, which you will find for example in your word processing tool :
- Arial : ABCDEF abcdef
- Arial Black (gras) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Arial Narrow (compact) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Courrier New (large) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Georgia : ABCDEF abcdef
- Impact (gras) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Tahoma : ABCDEF abcdef
- Times : ABCDEF abcdef
- Verdana : ABCDEF abcdef
- Fonts specific to this site, chosen for an original layout of your personalized calendar :
- Aladin : ABCDEF abcdef
- Algerian (tout en majuscules) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Beaulieux : ABCDEF abcdef
- Dabble down : ABCDEF abcdef
- Easter : ABCDEF abcdef
- Flavors : ABCDEF abcdef
- Forte (stylé gras) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Harrington (stylé) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Impact : ABCDEF abcdef
- KA Horrible (majuscules stylées, minuscules en arial) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Magneto (stylé gras) : ABCDEF abcdef
- MICRODOT (stylé gras) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Regular Italic : ABCDEF abcdef
- Roman Bold : ABCDEF abcdef
- Roman Italic : ABCDEF abcdef
- Script MT Bold (stylé gras) : ABCDEF abcdef
- Stencil (gras majuscule) : ABCDEF abcdef
- The choice of these fonts is specific to each model of calendar , ie you can for example choose a font for the quarterly calendars in column, and another font for the quarterly calendars in table.
- To keep the fonts you have chosen, even after reopening your browser, remember to save your personalization with the diskette ( ) present above each calendar.
- See also:
- Fonts present on your computer, which you will find for example in your word processing tool :
Custom Calendars : https://calendar.calagenda.global