Free diary calendarsFree diary calendars

Export in csv format

The csv format allows you to import calendar data, birthdays, names to wish, activity tracking, into a spreadsheet, for example Excel from Microsoft, Calc from LibreOffice or OpenOffice, etc.
Export in csv format

Export option: choice of decimal separator

The correct choice of the decimal separator will allow on the one hand a right alignment in the spreadsheet cells of the decimal data of the activity follow-up, on the other hand a correct support of the calculations in the formulas added by the user (sums , averages, etc.)

  • To quickly find out the decimal separator of your spreadsheet :
    Enter 11.11 in a cell: if the number is justified on the right, the decimal separator is the comma, otherwise it is the period.
  • To find out more :
    • The default decimal separator for Windows 10 is a bit hidden:
      - Open the settings window
      - Click on 'Time and languages', then on 'Additional date, time and regional settings'.
      - In the window that opens, click on 'Change date, time and number formats'.
      - In the Formats tab, click on 'Additional settings'.
      - In the 'Numbers' tab, the decimal separator is displayed in the 'Decimal symbol' drop-down list.
      WARNING: If you change the default decimal symbol, your spreadsheet and some of your calculation programs may no longer work correctly.
    • To display the decimal symbol used by Excel (the above procedure may vary depending on the version):
      - From the menu, choose File, then Options.
      - In the window that opens, click on 'Advanced options'.
      - If the 'Use system separators' checkbox is unchecked, your spreadsheet uses a specific decimal separator.
      CAUTION: If you change the decimal separator in Excel, your existing spreadsheets may no longer work correctly.
    • To display the decimal symbol used by LibreOffice Calc :
      - In the menu, choose Tools, then Options.
      - In the window that opens, open 'Language settings', and choose 'Languages'.
      - If the 'Decimal separator key' check box is unchecked, your spreadsheet uses a specific decimal separator.
      WARNING: If you change the decimal separator in Calc, your existing spreadsheets may no longer work correctly.

Importing the csv format file into your spreadsheet

  • Import into Excel :
    • When opening the file, if the 'Text Import Wizard' dialog box opens, choose 'Delimited' and 'Unicode UTF-8', click 'Next', choose semicolon ( ;) and as a text identifier the double quotation mark ("), click on Next and then on Finish.
    • To correctly display the contents of the diary, in particular if several lines have been entered.
      - Enlarge the width of the 'Text' column with the mouse.
      - Select the data set.
      - In the Home menu, click on Format, then on 'Adjust row height'.
    • To add an automatic filter on the header of the columns, in order to facilitate the selection:
      In the Data menu, click on 'Filter'.
  • Import into LibreOffice Calc :
    • When opening the file, choose as the UTF-8 character set, the semicolon (;) as the cell separator and the double quote (") as the text separator.
    • To add an automatic filter on the header of the columns, in order to facilitate the selection:
      In the Data menu, click on 'AutoFilter'.

Detailed description of the csv format file

The file will include a line for each birthday, party to display, party to wish, diary (two lines if the diary includes a summary in addition to the detail), periodic note (two lines if there is a summary in addition to the detail) , and one row for each entry in the activity tracker, within the limits of the selections made during the export.

The file will include 12 columns in order to restore the detail of all the events, including the various possible options for monitoring activities.

Description of each column:

  • Key:
    - Date in the form dd/mm/yyyy if it is a daily event (diary or activity monitoring)
    - Day and month in the form dd/mm if it is a birthday or party.
    - For periodic notes: mm/yyyy-nn, with nn = duration in months.
  • Type: the value will be Agenda (text of the agenda), Resume (summary of the agenda or of the periodic note), Follow-up (Monitoring of activities), NP (periodic note), Anni (anniversary), Party ( party to wish), or F (party to display)
  • Text: input content (one or more lines in the same cell).

The following columns are specific to activity tracking:

  • Activity: activity name
  • Day/Type:
    - 'n' if it is a 'Number' or 'Amount' type activity.
    - 'p' for 'Planning' type activities.
    - blank or number of days for 'Time' type activities.
  • Hours: number of hours for 'Time' or 'Schedule' type activities.
  • Minutes/Nb/Mt: number of minutes, number or amount.

The following columns are specific to schedule-type activities :

  • Start time.
  • Price past time : Cost per time spent (duration x hourly cost).
  • Possible amount of the correction.
  • Service package : Amount of the intervention package.
  • Day package : Amount of the daily fixed price.

See as well :

Custom Calendars :